I am a Yoga Instructor, Wellness Advocate in Saskatoon, SK.

I began practicing yoga and meditation in my early 20s as a way to de-stress during university. It soon became a regular part of my life and has provided the foundation for massive transformation in my relationship to my body. Writing my book, Flat Out Delicious, also ignited a path of deeper connection to my body, my food and the land, something I now love to share with others. Through movement, support, retreats, and advocacy, I help my clients experience deeper connection to their bodies and to the earth that comes through embodied movement, intentional eating, meditation, self-reflection through writing as well as heightened self-awareness and deep love for one's body as they learn to cast off societal programming that tells women we need to look a certain way to be valued and worthy.


Krystal Thorhaug


Kate Smalley