Does What I Say Matter?

Do you believe that what you say matters?

When it comes to your voice, do you believe it has value and that people need to hear from you?

What do you think about the following sentence…

‘We need a variety of voices at the table.’

Do you immediately think YES! But don’t think I’m talking about you?

When The Well started it was all about gathering a diverse range of women’s voices around the table. Women from all seasons and walks of life. Intergenerational women, women from different cultures, different places. The wisdom shared through a variety of stories and lived experiences.

This is still our vision. I truly believe that when we listen to women share stories we learn and grow and develop ourselves. We wonder about what is being said and if it applies to us. 

Wonder is defined as a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. 

I mean, what could be more wonder-ful than that! But ya know what, that is how I feel everytime I am surrounded by Well Women or at a Well event. I feel wonder.

I admire your willingness to share openly, honestly, vulnerably. 

I am in awe of the brave and unexpected stories told. 

It feels unfamiliar to be in a circle of women I barely know sharing our most honest details, yet at the same time it feels like the most familiar and natural thing there is.

The Well is full of wonder and this is all because of your voice, thank you for sharing so beautifully.


Renewal, what is it?


Peeing When I Need To